James Idsinga
June 4, 2020 | Vineyard News | James Idsinga

Tasting Room Closed, Curbside Service Continues!

Enchantment Vineyards wine tasting room in Portales, New MexicoWe’re sad to say our tasting room and patio will not be open for seating this weekend. Current restrictions are still keeping “bars” closed. We don’t quite qualify as a restaurant, and we fall under that “bar” category. We’re continuing to have conversations with lawmakers in Santa Fe, including the NM Alcohol and Beverage Control, regarding our pending reopening.

We really miss all of you and know how much you look forward to a chilled glass of wine or a cold beer on the patio. But we’re being careful to follow the set rules as not to compromise our ability to serve and sell our product in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to be open for curbside pick-up and sales from 2 pm-6 pm, Thursday through Saturday. You can purchase wine, beer, merchandise, and even some locally-made cheeses. Growler refills are permitted. 

We cannot emphasize how much we miss seeing all of you! At the end of all of this, we’ll celebrate together. We’ve got some exciting things in the works here and can’t wait to share them with you!

- The Enchantment Vineyards team


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